Interpersonal Communication Skills for Every Business professional

The Dale Carnegie Course:
Effective Communication & Human Relations Training 

Develop Communication Skills

Understanding the significance of both what we express and how we express it, is crucial in effective communication.
This is why our effective communication course not only equips you with communication techniques, but the trainer also gives you personalized coaching in the training room to enhance your communication skills and refine your delivery style.

Improve interpersonal communication skills

Your ability to lead, be flexible and authentic are important components of good interpersonal skills. In this interpersonal communication training, you will discover how to express yourself effectively, manage stress and thereby improve your relationships.

Level Up with People Skills Training

This people skills training is founded on the principles outlined in the book “How to Win Friends & Influence People”.
You will learn how to use and apply the 30 strategies outlined by Dale Carnegie, designed to strengthen people skills, cultivate strong relationships, influence others positively, and foster effective leadership.

Training Learning Objectives

Communicatie with Confidence

Strengthen People Skills

Enhance Communication Skills

Be an Effective Leader

Reduce Stress and Improve your Attitude

“I don’t have my diploma from the University of Nebraska hanging on my office wall, and I don’t have my diploma from Columbia up there either - but I do have my Dale Carnegie graduation certificate proudly displayed.”

– Warren Buffett

Contact us for more information

If you have any questions about the content, practical details, in-company training requests or anything else that comes to mind, please send us a message. Our team is happy to help!

Training activities

Day 1 - Build a Foundation for Personal Leadership

Day 2 - Develop Interpersonal & Communication Skills

Day 3 - Enhance People & Leadership Skills

Effective Communication & Human Relations Training Customer Review

Very interactive and good coach/trainer who facilitates the training to have a maximum result with the group. I liked that we put theory into practice. Simple principles, out-of-the-comfort-zone exercises, stretched myself so fear becomes fun.

Participant - Public Training Course

Effective Communication & Human Relations Training Customer Review

Very interactive and good coach/trainer who facilitates the training to have a maximum result with the group. I liked that we put theory into practice. Simple principles, out-of-the-comfort-zone exercises, stretched myself so fear becomes fun.

Participant - Public Training Course

Effective Communication & Human Relations Training Customer Review

I liked the individual coaching in the room and feedback from the group. The trainer created a safe enivronment to put everything into practice. The most useful techniques were “agreeing disagreeably” and how to have small talk to build meaningful relationships from.

Participant - Public Training Course

Effective Communication & Human Relations Training Customer Review

Well conceptualized, explained and engaging course and one will surely walk away with new perspectives to be used in personal and professional life.

Participant - Bristol-Myers Squibb

Effective Communication & Human Relations Training Customer Review

The trainer was a warm and well understanding person. Great practical examples and feedback. Honest, enthousiastic and relevant. Loved the 30 principles. Very happy to have done this training. I will use this in my daily life as person and manager. Thanks a lot.

Participant - Sally Beauty

Frequently asked questions

We often get the question “What does the Dale Carnegie Course do?” It is a multi-faceted training. During these 3 days, you will focus on different aspects of your personal development to advance in both your career and personal life. These include:

  • Communication skills (techniques & delivery style)
  • People skills (how to build positive relationships with others)
  • Personal leadership (create a purpose and vision for success)
  • Self-confidence (through speaking in front of the group & out of the comfort zone exercises)
  • Managing stress (by becoming more self-confident and using the stress principles)

Read about the “8 things I learned from the Dale Carnegie Course” from one of the participants here (LinkedIn Article).

This training can help your company in many different ways.
When this training is rolled out company-wide, you can expect:

  • Teams who cooperate better
  • People who work on solutions with a positive mindset
  • Trust in the workplace
  • Breaking down of barriers and silos
  • Develop a culture of fairness and respect

The suitability of this training for public speaking depends on your expectations.
If you want to become better at speaking up for yourself in teams, to your manager, and other social situations, then yes. You will speak multiple times in front of the group, so you can discover your strengths and be your authentic self when talking to others.

If you are looking to become better at delivering presentations and communicating your ideas in meetings, then the High Impact Presentations training will be the better fit for you.

Dale Carnegie trainings are highly interactive and practical, not theoretical.
At Dale Carnegie, we believe that you learn by doing. We use a mix of small and big group activities, individual self-reflection, speaking in front of the group exercises and coaching in the room by the trainer, to bring out the best in you.

This training will help you increase self-confidence in your personal life and professional career.
You will build self-confidence through a mix of self-reflection and speaking exercises and can expect:

  • To have more direction and thereby confidence in life by setting a personal vision for success
  • Exercises where you speak in front of the group and share personal experiences, so you learn how to be vulnerable yet strong
  • Enhancement of communication skills that allow you to express yourself more clearly and give you the confidence to speak your mind

Yes there are different formats in which you can participate in the Dale Carnegie Course.

  • Online: Yes.

You can follow the training online through our corporate headquarters, for which you can find more information on our corporate website.

  • Time-spaced face-to-face: Not in Belgium.

We currently only offer the 3-day version face-to-face. Some of our neighboring countries do have a time-spaced face-to-face option, so please feel free to reach out so we can find the right solution for you.

  • In-company requests: Yes.

We can customize the duration, content, and delivery method (online and/or face-to-face) for in-company training deliveries.

Dale Carnegie Training

Dale Carnegie is a worldwide training company with offices in +70 countries and training delivery in +25 languages.
We bring out the best in people in Communication, Presentations, Leadership, and Sales Skills.

How does Dale Carnegie make the Difference?

Global Reach
Local Touch

With training delivery in +90 countries, you’ll be sure that the global training you follow is relevant for your local culture


We believe you learn by doing, so we take a highly interactive approach combined with coaching in the training room

Dale Carnegie

You will learn a people-focused approach based on the ideas of “How to Win Friends & Influence People”

Looking for more information?

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