Training Details

  • Target Group: Professionals who want to learn how to communicate in a tacful way
  • Length: 2 days
  • Type: In-company


We have all been impressed by someone who always seems to know what to say and how to say it in any situation. These people know how to communicate with diplomacy, tact and confidence. Research conducted by Mike Poskey at ZERORISK HR indicates that one of five emotional intelligence competencies that successful leaders employ is called “social skills and political correctness.”

This competency is important in all areas of life. The ability to communicate with diplomacy and tact improves your leadership skills by helping you manage change, negotiate and compromise, resolve conflicts, gain consensus and collaboration, and create a cohesive team.

Training objectives

  • Display a positive attitude and professional image
  • Increase trust, credibility, and respect through words and actions
  • Speak confidently, diplomatically, and tactfully in difficult situations Build rapport and strengthen relationships
  • Use emotional controls to sustain success

Contact us for more information

If you have a practical question of if you have a question about the content of our training, feel free to send us a message.

Our team will be happy to answer all of your questions.

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