Training Details

  • Target Group: Professionals who want to use storytelling  to deliver key messages
  • Length: 0,5 day
  • Type: In-company


Humans have been using stories as a form of communication in every culture throughout history. Our brains are programmed to pay special attention to them, as evidenced by the surge in neural activity that takes place when we hear a story. They are used to share experiences, promote values, build community, or simply to entertain. Regardless of the story’s purpose, choosing to communicate in the form of a story will make you more interesting and memorable. Use this to your advantage.

Training objectives

  • Learn how to use storytelling to capture the attention of your audience
  • Enhance communication with memorable anecdotes and experiences
  • use stories that creatively deliver key messages and takeaways

Contact us for more information

If you have a practical question of if you have a question about the content of our training, feel free to send us a message.

Our team will be happy to answer all of your questions.

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