Training Details

  • Target Group: Companies that want to increase results by breaking down silo’s and increasing team collaboration
  • Length: 4 days (2 x 2 days)
  • Type: In-company


Organisations know the key to their success are their employees. They produce, deliver quality, generate more turnover, provide customer service. How can an organisation inspire its employees to give the best of themselves? The training “Building Connections” will make help you with this.

With communication exercises, group activities, and strong coaching, participants learn to build good relationships, work together, achieve efficient results, be more flexible to deal with changes and work together to achieve win-win.

Training objectives

  • Replace discussion with constructive teamwork
  • Break down silo’s
  • Develop a pro-active attitude
  • Create openness for change and new ideas
  • Increase employee engagement

Contact us for more information

If you have a practical question of if you have a question about the content of our training, feel free to send us a message.

Our team will be happy to answer all of your questions.

Contact us