Leading with Agility

The only constant in (business) life is change. It’s a quote we have all heard before. On the other hand, how we as a company can stay one step ahead of that change is not that commonly known. Nowadays, there is one organizational skill you need and that is “agility”: the ability to gather and act on information, make decisions quickly and implement change to meet the changing needs of the business environment. Specifically, this includes learning how to both do and be agile.

Following the need for companies to act quicker and faster, Dale Carnegie researched the skills needed in an organization to become agile. Based on this, we’ve developed a framework for leaders who want to approach building agility in a deliberate way:

  • A clear organizational purpose
  • Information sharing tools and processes
  • Resilience
  • Social intelligence and psychological safety
  • Culture encouraging change

In the training “Leading with Agility”, we develop our competencies in each of of these areas and learn how to be agile ourselves.

Training Details

  • Target Group: Executives, business managers and business professionals who want thrive and stay one step ahead of competition.
  • Length: 2 x 3 Hour Live Online workshop

Training Objectives

  • Understand the framework of agility and what it takes to become an agile organization
  • Build resilience in yourself and others
  • Learn how to develop trusting relationships and create a psychological safe environment
  • Develop your organizations’ capacity to act

Contact us for more information

If you have a practical question of if you have a question about the content of our training, feel free to send us a message.

Our team will be happy to answer all of your questions.

Contact us